

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?





What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

What are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Causes of human zinc deficiency: on the one hand, the body metabolism; on the other hand, zinc will be lost with excretion and sweating.

The main reason for the lack of zinc can be summarized as congenital reserve poor, inadequate intake, malabsorption. Children in adolescence, the body needs a larger amount of zinc, zinc-like category is particularly common.

Zinc deficiency in adults may be due to inadequate dietary intake (eg, aging, frailty, alcoholic cirrhosis, poor quality of diet), reduced absorption (malabsorption syndrome, cystic fibrosis), increased excretion (eg, sickle cell Disease, extensive burns, drainage fistulas), genetic metabolic defects and the like.

Zinc deficiency symptoms in adults:

1. loss of appetite: picky eaters, anorexia, antifeedant, reduce general food intake, no hunger, do not take the initiative to eat;

2. eat strange things. For example: biting nails, clothing, eating toys, hard objects, eating hair, confetti, raw rice, wall ash, soil, sand and so on;

3. Immunocompromised, often cold and fever,

4. Repeated respiratory infections such as: tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, a sweating, night sweats, etc .;

5. nails white spot, finger barb, appear map tongue (tongue surface irregular red and white graphics);

6. Slow response, lack of concentration;

7. vision problems: vision loss, easily lead to night vision difficulties, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism;

8. Skin damage: Trauma occurs, the wound is not easy to heal; susceptible dermatitis, intractable eczema;

9. Mouth ulcers recurrent.


Zinc deficiency adults how to make up

Porridge liver porridge

Raw materials: rice l00 grams, liver l50 grams, water 600 grams, peanut oil 300 grams (about consumption of 30 grams), salt 7 grams, MSG l.5 grams, cooking wine, starch, chopped green onion, ginger, the right amount.

Method: rice pick to the debris, wash clean; liver clean, cut into about 0.3 cm thick rectangular sheet, into the bowl, add starch, green onion, ginger, cooking wine and a little salt, mix well, Pickled sizing. Pot set fire, put the oil until fifty or six into hot, dispersed into pig liver slices, with a slide of chopsticks, about 1 minute, until the pig liver half cooked, remove the oil control; another with a pot of lit, water boil, pour Into the rice, and then boiled with a small fire boiled for about 30 minutes until the rice rose open into the liver slices, continue to cook with low heat for 10 to 20 minutes until all the rice flowering, liver slices crisp, soup Thickening, MSG and the remaining salt, adjust the taste and p can be.

Pig liver egg porridge

Ingredients: 50 grams of liver, egg 1, 50 grams of rice, salt, ginger, monosodium glutamate the amount.

System of law: pig liver fine, and rice porridge, cooked into the eggs, add salt, ginger, MSG seasoning, cook slightly.

Scallop crystal chicken

Ingredients: chicken breast 500 grams. 75 grams of scallops, 3 eggs, rice wine, salt, rhizome of the right amount.

System of law: the chicken breast flowering knives, and then cut into squares, the first grasping with salt, and then break up and mix the protein grasping; and then, the pieces of chicken into a pot of water inside a 氽, so that Chicken noodles slightly stronger; then put the chicken into the bowl, add water, scallops, wine, salt, cage steamed about 50 minutes.

Yellow stewed duck liver

Raw materials: duck liver 200 grams, 10 grams of fresh fungus, Shaoxing wine 2 grams, onions, ginger, pepper, peanut oil, salt, chicken, wet flour, sesame oil of the right amount.

Method: Duck liver cut into thick slices; fresh fungus washed, sliced; Add water to the pot, when the water is on, the ducks' liver will be dehydrated, and the mixture will be boiled for a short while with medium heat. Wine. Into a little broth, simmer till medium fastness when transferred to the salt, chicken, pepper stew thoroughly into the taste, and then wet raw meal thicken, cast the sesame oil before the pan can be.



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